Overunder Three (Panorama Browser)

Reddit (live data)

Browse and view over/under stereo panoramas uploaded to Imgur and posted to Reddit.

Reddit (test data)

Loads an old JSON file for test purposes.


Start by pressing any button on the vive controller (this will make them appear). Then, use the laser pointer to select a sphere and click the trackpad. A menu will appear (like the one in the screenshot above), scroll over the pink "display" button with the laser and pull the trigger to "click". This will display the panorama and hide the floor and preview spheres. Click the "display" button again to return to the field of spheres.

Bugs and Glitches

Expect them. The most common ones I've experienced are: titles on the menu/GUIs being incorrect, menu/GUIs "sticking" to the controller, and failure to enter VR mode in Chromium.